Missing Posts

A couple of my earlier posts (this and this) didn’t get picked up – perhaps because I used the cck11 tag only as a category (and in the blog url) rather than in the content or title of the post.

(And adding it retroactively didn’t seem to work either)

6 Responses to “Missing Posts”

  1. Stephen Downes Says:

    If it’s any consolation, this post made it in. Really sorry about the inconvenience.

  2. Ken Anderson Says:

    I’ve used the category hashtag and CCK11 in the title, but none of my posts have been picked up by the system. I’m guessing I have to put #CCK11 in the title?

  3. Stu Harris Says:


    I think you are right. My posts are now being picked up since I started using the #CCK11 tag in the title.

  4. Gordon Lockhart Says:

    Yes – I had similar experiences but last blog with #CCK11 in title did appear.

  5. alan Says:

    @Stephen, No problem; it was my fault for not following the instructions exactly and acting on the assumption that a WordPress category or tag would trigger pickup.

    My understanding at this point is that any (isolated?) use of the tag, with or without a hash, in the title or body will do, but that adding the tag as an external label (including a WordPress “tag”) does not work. (I haven’t experimented with including it without separating spaces in a longer word though).

    @Ken, Your blog title, Ken’s World, does not show up in the list of blogs

  6. Ken Anderson Says:

    Thanks for the help, I started participating a little late in the course and didn’t read the instructions. If I think of anything worth writing in my blog going forward, I’ll try to fix the feed/put in the right hashtag.

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