Progress and Learning in cck11

According to Stephen, if I achieve the following (conventional)

standards of success:

– fluency with and use of a certain vocabulary

– exposure to and familiarity with a standard body of literature

– conduct of enquiry in a generally accepted form of discourse

– acceptance of an underlying set of principles

then I will have become a groupist (groupie? grouper?) rather than a connectivist.

So I guess I should stop trying to talk the language of networks and connective knowledge, ignore the suggested readings, try to make my discourse less acceptable to a serious audience, and deny the underlying principles of connectivism.

Maybe I’m a better student than I thought!

4 Responses to “Progress and Learning in cck11”

  1. Jaap Says:

    Trying to be a better student is groupy-behavior, don’t you agree?

  2. Apostolos K. Says:

    LOL – best.blogpost.ever!

  3. Heli Nurmi Says:

    Hi Alan,
    the list you gave seemed to be known and I returned to PLENK materials. I think it is near this and is planned fo grading students in classrooms.

    I did not use it in grading myself but found other parts of the same link useful. Here is my pondering
    I like to evaluate learning, it is so challenging.

    At last I was able to take the address of this blog in my RSS, so I can follow you better. You have so many blogs that I was confused – why can’t u technical guys be simpler 🙂 ?

  4. Leadership #cck11 « connectiv Says:

    […] do we need? …” We need attention and encouragement, we need a ‘thank you“, contradiction and disagreement and technical […]

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