Attacks on connectivism « Jenny Connected
Jenny Mackness has asked “What is it about connectivism that stirs up such strong emotion?” – with reference in particular to a couple of people who seem to have taken up crusades against it in which they have engaged in disruptive behaviour and ad hominem attacks. My suspicion is that this is an example of the kind of academic jealousy that becomes particularly intense when one perceives others (especially “outsiders”) getting a lot of attention for something one considers unworthy. There is no doubt that connectivism has been getting a lot of attention and that the crusaders have let their fear of “outsiders” taint their arguments. But it is still worth asking why they see connectivism as unworthy.
Perhaps it is because they are offended by its self-description as a “theory”. Jaap has pointed out, “the incommensurability of the Einstein View and the Toolkit View” of what is a theory, and I made a similar distinction towards the end of the discussion thread on Learning Theories in cck11 (which I will recap here mainly just so I have it in my own blog for future reference).
When people in the hard sciences see the word “theory”, they expect to see predictions of testable consequences rather than “just” statements of interest or value. If the word “perspective” was used instead, then there would be less indignation at having been “oversold” and more willingness perhaps to engage with the real issues, values, and tools that the connectivist perspective brings to our attention.
The other side of the coin is also relevant. The claim that one has a “theory” about something has the effect of appearing to claim authority for one’s assertions (and also to some extent discouraging the less adventurous from asking too many questions). If at the same time one stretches concepts and words beyond what is familiar this can feel like an attempt at bamboozlement which again can cause people to get frustrated, angry and irrational.
March 13th, 2011 at 10:23 am
Your question about emotions stirring up near connectivism movement touched me. I cannot answer on behalf of others, crusaders or what ever they are. But I got these questions in my mind
1. I am not sure if there is much emotional talk going on, many people consider C as boring and obscure, it is only cognitive disappoinment. I have seen this when tried to tell about C in university context (not working there but have friends)
2. in science there is silence around C, asked after Learning Theory congress and there were no mentions about C. Perhaps they wait good research and articles?
3. Then I turned this upside down: how about emotions people want to arouse inside C. They are attacking against “old sciences” and universities and education and they want to be better, take their place. What are their weapons and style etc (cannot say this in sophisticated way, sorry). Whose needs emotions are serving… academic jealousy in whom?
4. I recognize emotions inside me as a 3 yrs participant. I was enthusiastic at the beginning and I tried to save it as long as possible. I pretended to be positive many times when I was not any more. I am depressed but it becomes from my personal experience and the object is not C.
5. About the question “what is theory ” I got an insight while walking today: all theories can be seen/ interpreted via developers’ personal needs. Alice Miller has written a book about it Der gemiedene Schlüssel is the name – the hidden key in English.
So thanks about your triggering questions!