Number Line Applet with RevEng
This applet allows you to move around and zoom in and out on a picture
of the Number Line, and shows labels for various 'special' numbers that
are in the field of view. (If you enter 3.1416 for example it shows Pi
as almost identical with the ratio 355/113, but if you zoom in you will
see that they really are not equal. And if you enter 5.91608 it will identify
root35 nearby - but it uses the letter 'r' in place of the square root
How It Works:
This applet uses the javamath
api to call the RevEng
program in Maple and presents results on a graphical "number line" based
on the GraphExplorer applet.
The RevEng program was developed in the Centre for Experimental and Constructive
Mathematics at Simon Fraser University to find numbers whose exact rational
and analytic expressions are of about the same length as the decimal input.
At present this applet just calls the rational and algebraic parts of RevEng.
Copyright 2000 by CECM and
Cooper - page last modified on 08 Dec 2000