Why is CO2 a “Greenhouse Gas” when N2 is not?

Bonds that are larger and looser tend to vibrate at lower frequencies than those that are small and tight. This rule of thumb applies both to classical mechanical systems and to quantum transitions, and so it “explains” why CO2 tends to respond to longer wavelengths than O2 and N2 (and much longer than those required to change the energy levels of electrons within those molecules).

The measured locations and widths of the corresponding absorption bands fit very closely with calculations based on quantum and statistical mechanics, so it can reasonably be said that we understand very well why they are where they are.

It is, however, just a fluke that the vibrational excitation modes of CO2 (and H2O and CH4) happen to fall near the peak intensity of thermal radiation at the Earth’s temperature of around 300K. (And they might be less effective than other choices as “greenhouse gases” on a planet that was either white hot or not illuminated by the Sun.)

Source: (1002) Alan Cooper’s answer to Why is CO2 transparent to incoming shorter infrared wavelengths of light, but absorbs outgoing longer infrared wavelengths from Earth’s surface? Are they certain these IR wavelengths that are more affected than others, and if so, why? – Quora

Why don’t atoms radiate? 

Quantum Mechanics “explains” the lack of radiation from electrons in the ground state of an atom by telling us that our idea of electrons (or anything else) as discrete particles with well-defined positions and momenta is wrong – and that the bound electron is not in fact accelerating on a curved path around the nucleus, but rather has a range of possible values for our attempts to measure its positions and momenta at different times (with the property that the probability distribution of these values is concentrated around the nucleus but invariant with respect to time).

Source: (1002) Alan Cooper’s answer to I still don’t understand why an accelerating electron doesn’t emit electromagnetic radiation as it’s quantized motion around the nucleus. How does quantum mechanics explain the prevention of this radiation? – Quora