Month: December 2024
Hermitian but non-SA in QM
need to add a physics example of a non esa Sturm-Liouville problem where different boundary conditions determine different physics for a physically intuitive reason
Decay times of excited atomic states
The time spent in the excited state is a random variable which can have any positive value but whose expectation value depends on the energy drops to lower energy unoccupied states (with the one with closest energy giving the dominant contribution). Since the drop in an isolated atom can only happen via a transfer of energy to the electromagnetic field, the actual formula results from a quantum field theory calculation involving the strength of the EM coupling constant (and would be infinite if that coupling constant were zero). But I suspect that the result turns out to be consistent with the Heisenberg uncertainty relation $#\Delta E \Delta t \gtrsim \frac{h}{4\pi}#$ and that the bound is similar for all cases of a top level excited electron in a neutral atom so that we can say the expected lifetime is inversely proportional to the energy drop to the nearest available level (and since the levels tend to get more closely spaced the higher we go this is also consistent with more highly excited states of the same atom decaying more quickly – albeit usually not directly to the initial ground state).
For more info just do a Google search for something like ‘atomic excited state lifetimes’.
What if the “luminiferous aether” really exists?
The existence of a “luminiferous aether” would have no observable consequences unless there was some kind of force or field that was not governed by laws that are locally Lorentz covariant. But so far nothing of that sort has ever been detected. So, as Pierre-Simon Laplace famously responded to Napoleon Bonaparte after Bonaparte expressed surprise that God was not mentioned in Laplace’s manuscript, we “have no need of that hypothesis”.
Source: (1001) Alan Cooper’s answer to Ah but what if there is a luminiferous aether? – Quora