Simultaneity and Synchronization

Identical clocks in relative motion can only be synchronized from the point of view of an observer relative to whom they both have the same speed. To anyone else they seem to be progressing at different rates and so are always unsynchronized and there’s no “becoming” about it. There is a sense in which the relativity of simultaneity forces the clocks to be unsynchronized, but it’s generally easier to understand the other way around so I’ll look at that first.

Imagine that, when you pass by me at 86% of the speed of light, we set our clocks to both read, say, t=0. Then they will both read the same time at that event but will not be synchronized because each will see the other as running at just half speed.

and that I also use light signals to set a clock that is fixed in my frame one light year away (in the direction towards which you are headed) to also read t=0 at what seems to me to be the same time.

Then when you reach that clock it will read t=1/.86 years but your own clock will read just 0.5/.86 years (so your clock and my remote clock are not synchronized). I will attribute that difference to your clock running slow but from your point of view the time on your clock is correct because the distance which I saw as 1 light year appears to you to be only half of that.

But from your point of view it has seemed that my clocks were running slow. So according to you, the clock you see as reading 1/.86 years must have started at a time 2/.86 years ago which is long before the time when we passed one another. Or in other words the clock-setting event I thought was simultaneous with our meeting was not simultaneous according to you.

Now what I have shown here is just that relativity of simultaneity is a mathematical consequence of the symmetric nature of the asynchronization of the clocks. But despite the lack of “becoming” there is also a logical connection the other way.

Imagine that I send a message to reach you when I think you are 1 year away from reaching me (ie at a distance of 1/.86 light years when travelling at 0.86c) and ask you to set your clock at t=-1 at that time and that I set my own clock at t=-1 at the moment I think that message reaches you. But relativity of simultaneity says that you will think I made a mistake and that those two clock settings did not happen at the same time. You will actually think that the time when I asked you to set your clock was after I had set my own and this will cause you to expect that when you reach me my own clock would have got to t=1 if running at the same speed as yours but yours will just be at t=-0.5. And since my clock will actually be reading t=0 at our meeting this will lead you to conclude that it must be running slowly (and so that they cannot be synchronized).

Source: (1001) Alan Cooper’s answer to The simultaneity of relativity tells us that inertial observers in relative motion disagree on whether 2 spatially separated events are simultaneous, but how does this lead to the observers’ clocks becoming unsynchronised? – Quora

Days of Future Past?

Has the future already happened according to special relativity? – NO.

In fact, in special relativity, the question of whether or not an event has “already happened” depends on the observer and has no meaning if the observer is not specified.

I find it so hard to believe!! – THEN DON’T.

Believe this instead (but only after making sure that you understand it):

What is true according to special relativity is that for any distant observer relative to whom you are moving sufficiently rapidly, some events in your future may be seen as in their past relative to the time on their clock at which you think they are now (or rather at which you will think they were now when you eventually see that “now” event in their lives).

[And for every event in your future there are some possible observers in your “now” (though you will not have actually seen them yet) who, when they finally see that event, will judge it to have happened in their past relative to the time on their clock at which you (will) think they are now.]

So in the world of special relativity, there is no time-ordering of events that all observers will agree on.

Source: (151) Alan Cooper’s answer to Has the future already happened according to special relativity? I find it so hard to believe!! – Quora