Module 2 – Functions
Section 1 - Introduction to Functions
As mentioned in the Introduction to this Module, a function is a
particular kind of relationship.
In fact, the basic idea can be
illustrated in terms of human relationships.
Every person has a unique birth mother. So if we have a particular
person, p , in mind then there is only one person that we can mean by
“the birth mother of p”. This person, who we’ll call m, is completely
determined once we know p, but the reverse is not true. (If we identify
a mother, she may have several children, so the phrase “child of m”
does not always determine a unique person.)
Note that in this mathematical sense the mother “depends on” and “is a
function of” the child – (both of which are opposite to what we might
mean by such statements in ordinary language).
What to do
- Use this
'Reading Guide'
link to guide your reading of section 2.1 of the text. As you proceed,
use the questions in the reading guide to confirm your
understanding,keep in mind your
Learning Objectives for this section, and when you have finished be
sure to follow the suggestions regarding Further Practice.
- When you feel that you are ready, go on to the next
To: Sec 2.1 Sec
2.2 Sec 2.3
Sec 2.4 Assignment Lab