Module 2 – Functions

2.4 – Inverse Functions

As time progresses, the hands of a clock move around and they can only have one position at any given time. So their position is a function of the time. But when we read the clock we are using the position of the hands to determine the time rather than using the time to determine the position. This relation of the time to the observed hand position is in a sense ‘opposite’ to that of position to time so we refer to these as inverse relations. Of course, reading the clock tells us the time of day but not the date, so it doesn’t completely determine the actual instant of time unless we restrict to a single 12 hour interval. If we do restrict to a single 12 hour interval, then the time is completely determined by the hand position, and the function giving time in terms of position is called the inverse function of the one giving hand position in terms of time. The use of the word ‘inverse’ in this context just refers to the reversed direction of the relationship and has nothing to do with the algebraic inverse which we will from now on refer to only as the ‘reciprocal’.

What to do

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