Archive for September 2011

APRA Canada Webinar today – Beyond the Profile

The presenters were Tania Brandstrom and Sandra Gomez of SAIT. This is a fairly small team in comparison with most of Canada’s large universities. They have a story to tell that should interest folks both on the prospect research side as well as development and major gifts. They found a way that to work together that increased efficiency and resulted in great campaign results.

The recording of this session will be available for purchase shortly. See

Council on Foundations Fall Conference Community Foundations

This was a great conference and very inspirational. I had the opportunity to participate in out trips to three locations to see funded projects.

On Monday September 19, we attended Stepping Onto American Soil through the Western Gate


The Day-Labor Center

The Day-Labor Center

First we visited the Day Labor Program in the Mission District. New immigrants often enter the job market as day laborers and this center supports and empowers their clients to form community and be financially successful. This is  an organization of immigant workers, run and directed by the workers as a collective to improve their working conditions

We then moved on to visit Chinatown to hear from key leaders in that community who are working for the welfare of Asian-Americans in San Francisco. This is Norman Fong, Chinese Community Development Center

Chinese Community Development Center

Chinese Community Development Center


If you have been wondering about the Giving Pledge, here we heard, at Monday’s lunch plenary Pledge to Lead by Example, from
Thomas F. Steyer, Senior Managing Member, Farallon Capital Management; Kat Taylor, Founding Director, One PacificCoast Bank and Foundation.Moderator(s): Nicole Taylor, President and CEO, East Bay Community Foundation.Session Designer(s): Nicole Taylor, President and CEO, East Bay Community Foundation.

Lunch Plenary

Lunch Plenary

Social Venture Institute

SVI was great again this year. In spite of the rain, the contacts and workshops were very valuable. Good to see those from last year and to make new connections.

Off to SVI

Tomorrow I leave for the 5 day Social Venture Institute on Cortez Island (at Hollyhock).