Curious about the CFRE exam?
I am very pleased to be able to offer professional development opportunities that provide CFRE credits to all those who complete our sessions. Some of you have asked about what else you need to do to qualify for your CFRE.
The CFRE certification process consists of three parts: a written application, a written examination; and agreement to uphold a code of ethics and Accountability Standards. There is a requirement to recertify every three (3) years.
Accumulating CFRE accredited points is an important component to achieving your CFRE. Your professional development will also help you prepare for the CFRE exam.
Here is a link to the CFRE site that provides more detail on how to prepare.
Also, check with your local AFP chapter to see if they are organizing a study group. If they are not, consider starting one. This is a great way to prepare and will greatly increase your likelihood of success.