Testimonials for Engaging Your Board in Planned Giving


‘The presenters were extremely knowledgeable and offered exceptional advice for creating or expanding an organization’s Planned Giving programs.’

Susan Smith, Assistant Development Director, UNT Health Science Center

 ‘Extremely valuable & a session I would recommend! I learned that is is important to have a business plan when engaging the board and the importance of ensuring ‘buy in’ from the Board. I also took away how important it is to understand the Board, not assuming they know all A aspects of what we are doing.’

Traci Anderson, Executive Director, Boys and Girls Club of Kamloops

‘Good presenters’

Liza Smithies, Development Officer, Annual Giving, Environmental Defence

‘I learned how to move forward with small steps in getting to know each board member, and their reasons for being on our board etc.’

Colette Halferty, Director of Development, L’Arche Daybreak

‘I learned how to distinguish between the culture of time and talent and perhaps the culture of giving and getting.’

Brian Tardif, Executive Director, Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa



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