HOW the web will help and may hurt your fundraising



Session Description:

Join the experts for this year’s

Five Biggest Trends in Online Giving

  1. Social Log in
  2. Mobile Giving
  3. Online Video
  4. Info graphics Multi media storytelling
  5. Event fundraising embracing new technologies

Learn About:

  • Challenges,
  • How we get it wrong
  • How not to fail!


Claire Kerr

Director, Digital Philanthropy New Media & Fundraising Aficionado at Artez Interactive

Claire Kerr is a not-for–profit veteran who has worked for organizations in the economic development, education, and fundraising sectors. As Director of Digital Philanthropy at Artez Interactive, Claire works with Canadian and international charities as they fundraise through web, social & mobile channels.

She writes about issues related to digiatl media and the charitable sector for international marketing blog, Canadian charitable sector hub and on her web site Follow her on Twitterat @snotforprofit.

John Bromley

Founder and CEO Chimp Fund, President Peer Giving Solutions, Vice President Benefic Group

John provides strategic advice about financing and organizational structure to local, national and international charities, foundations, non-profits, private and public companies. He also develops web-based, software platforms that encourage mass awareness of and participation in the benevolent sector, namely Chimp and Peer Giving.

He has always been around charity in one way or another, (Dad is Blake Bromley, who’s one of the world’s leading charity lawyers.) So after university and a few years working in corporate finance at RBC Capital Markets and PricewaterhouseCoopers, he joined Blake, and started Benefic Group to fill the void in specialized expertise in charity law, strategy and policy in Canada. Benefic has worked with hundreds of local and international donors, charities, foundations, governments, non-profits and for-profits to provide strategic and legal advice, and arrange several billion dollars in giving.

John is most interested in how we use technology, social media and internet culture to improve charity. In how the internet is starting to change the way people interact with, transact with and learn about charity. And in working to shape charity’s entry into online culture, so that technology improves, and doesn’t harm charity by increasing public access and decreasing charity’s costs.


  1. How can we purchase this webinar please and what is the cost? Thank you.

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