Monthly Archives: July 2007

Free Transit Counter-Arguments

Free Transit? Experts Are Wary :: News ::

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squareCircleZ » Zipf Distributions, log-log graphs and Site Statistics

squareCircleZ » Zipf Distributions, log-log graphs and Site Statistics

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Bonobo Swingers?

Arts&Letters Daily pointed to this fine essay by Ian Parker in The New Yorker. It really is an interesting and entertaining blend of anecdote, history, and good science reporting.

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Even the New Yorker Gets it Wrong

ok, This may be a picayune comment in the context of a serious issue, but in David Remnick’s Letter from Jerusalem: The Apostate: Reporting & Essays: The New Yorker he refers to Avram Burg’s “flouting of the fact that he … Continue reading

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Revisiting the Potential of Free Content ~ Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes

Revisiting the Potential of Free Content ~ Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes

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Privileged Peer Review – Whose Opinion Counts? ~ Stephens Web ~ by Stephen Downes

Privileged Peer Review – Whose Opinion Counts? ~ Stephens Web ~ by Stephen Downes

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Fare-Free Public Transit

AlterNet: Environment: Fare-Free Public Transit Could Be Headed to a City Near You (and IMO it could and should be paid for with the revenue from a levy on urban auto traffic like the ‘congestion fee’ charged in London)

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AlterNet: Environment: What to Say to Those Who Think Nuclear Power Will Save Us

AlterNet: has reprinted an article from ‘Orion’ magazine by someone called Rebecca Solnit who claims to be giving advice on: What to Say to Those Who Think Nuclear Power Will Save Us though what she is really arguing is not … Continue reading

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CRIA’s a liar

Michael Geist – CRIA’s “Unprecedented” Decline points out that the decline in sales bewailed by the Canadian Recording Industry Association in 2006 was due to the departure of several independent labels from the organization and not to file sharing as … Continue reading

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Michael Geist – Canadians Speak out on Media Diversity

Michael Geist – Canadians Speak out on Media Diversity I support a policy limiting concentrated and cross-ownership of the media in Canada, and also clearly separating those who control distribution channels from those who produce, aggregate and/or distribute content. I … Continue reading

Posted in arts and culture, canada, social issues | Leave a comment

The Chronicle: 7/13/2007: Banishing the Ghosts of Iran

Commenting on the arrest of Haleh Esfandiari in The Chronicle: 7/13/2007: Banishing the Ghosts of Iran, Fatemeh Keshvarz says “We all wish Esfandiari to be freed, but the danger is that we will color all of Iran…” and goes on … Continue reading

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Dawkins: How dare you call me a fundamentalist

In How dare you call me a fundamentalist the Times online presents an excerpt from Richard Dawkins’ introduction to the paperback edition of ‘The God Delusion’ in which he responds to some critics of the hard cover edition.

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Why Dawkins is Wrong – by D. S. Wilson

Skeptic: eSkeptic: Wednesday, July 4th, 2007

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Jim Motavalli at AlterNet on the Nuclear Option?

AlterNet: Environment: Is Fear About Climate Change Causing a Nuclear Renaissance? provides a balanced review including summaries of a number of people’s positions but doesn’t really add any new information.

Posted in climate, social issues, technology | Leave a comment

Video Debate on Nuclear Power

Peter Bradford, Patrick Moore and Jim Riccio debate the future of nuclear power and why nuclear power cannot solve the climate crisis. The actual debate linked to from Nuclear Information and Resource Service – NIRS is quite interesting, but the … Continue reading

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Telus Lies to Force Images off YouTube

Telus Cleanses Image on YouTube :: News :: Although requiring a court order before penalties apply to the carrier would help avert this kind of abuse, the most important thing to do to protect public domain property (as well … Continue reading

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