Monthly Archives: July 2012

Is Algebra Necessary?

Algebra, as remembered by many,  seems to be  nothing more than a set of meaningless formal tasks, and if that memory is accurate, then indeed it has no right to be included as a requirement of everyone’s basic education. [ … Continue reading

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Good News on Canadian Copyright Law

Michael Geist’s analysis of recent  Supreme Court decisions is encouraging and provides a nice counterpoint to the nasty business our Harper gov’t did to us on the digital lock rules.

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Everything Unlikely => Nothing Surprising?

William M. Briggs  misses the main point when he claims that the recent sequence of high temperature months is no cause for alarm (on the grounds that a sequence of thirteen high months is no less improbable than any other particular sequence). … Continue reading

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Lovelock was Alarmist!

Apparently he no longer believes that “before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.” But who with more than … Continue reading

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