Monthly Archives: September 2005

Teach and Learn Online: Lawsuit forces Web2 learning strategies

Leigh Blackall comments on the WebCT accessibility lawsuit and outlines some more open alternatives. But the overhead of learning the tools is substantial. Which is fine if that’s what the course is about – ie if the medium really is … Continue reading

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Non-accessible e-learning: lawsuit against an institution using WebCT – FLOSSE Posse

I’m no fan of WebCT (or “vendor-lock-in” of any kind) but in their discussion of a lawsuit against an institution using WebCT (on the basis of non-accessible e-learning) FLOSSE Posse say: “In WebCT they probably seriously think that learning happens … Continue reading

Posted in education, social issues, technology, uncategorized, web | Leave a comment North Korea: Unravelling already? North Korea: Unravelling already? I agree with Dan Kervick’s comment that “it doesn’t really matter who delivers first as long as the deliveries both take place”. In fact the common statement makes no precise commitment as to the timing … Continue reading

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The brains business |

The brains business | is an article identified by Stephen Downes as “the plan for destroying” public university systems.

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Main Page – ColLib

Must look and see if this ColLib thing is any use

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Guardian Unlimited | Life | Don’t dumb me down

Guardian Unlimited | Life | Don’t dumb me down is the article referred to in the previously referenced article by Styhphen Downes

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Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes ~ Don’t Dumb Me Down

actually, what I like most about this Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes ~ Don’t Dumb Me Down posting, is Stephen’s “don’t be afraid to be obscure” – which I may end up taking as my motto!

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Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes ~ Web Site Link Checker

This Stephen’s Web ~ by Stephen Downes ~ Web Site Link Checker might be useful for the MathWebResources project

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AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: SPECIAL: What led to Katrina?

AlterNet: Blogs: Peek: SPECIAL: What led to Katrina?

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AlterNet: How to Help

AlterNet: How to Help – at last something useful rather than sensational

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A Neighbourhood of Infinity: The Sleeping Beauty Problem

A Neighbourhood of Infinity: The Sleeping Beauty Problem

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Writing for the Web: Hurricane Blogs

Crawford Killian reports the advent of more Hurricane Blogs. My own sense is that blog references to Katrina have been slow to show up – at least within the edtech arena.

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Writing for the Web: The World’s Greatest Online Journalism

Writing for the Web: The World’s Greatest Online Journalism

Posted in social issues, uncategorized, web | Leave a comment Hurricane Katrina 2005 Hurricane Katrina 2005 coverage from the NewOrleans local newspaper

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