Monthly Archives: June 2017

What’s the big deal about Trolley Problems? 

The shallowness of much of modern academic philosophy is demonstrated by the level of attention devoted to the “puzzle” of why most people (other than Buddhist monks, economists, and other psychopaths)  resist pushing the fat man in person but are … Continue reading

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What is a “Scientific” category?

Dalton Conley Speaks Out on Race in an interview at Nautilus (which I saw via 3QD). He says a lot that is sensible but his denial that “race” can be a “scientific category” is based more on wishful thinking than on reason. … Continue reading

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Should we outsource our moral beliefs?

In this article at 3quarksdaily, Grace Boey almost changes my mind. I have long felt that the delegation of moral authority that religion almost always leads to is harmful, but the way Boey puts things makes me feel I need to … Continue reading

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