Monthly Archives: April 2020

Total mortality reveals uncounted Covid deaths

The New York Times pretty much copied this: Covid-19 data – Tracking covid-19 excess deaths across countries | Graphic detail | The Economist

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Life in a ‘Coronavirus Hotel’

This is not quite what I suggested in my “modest proposal” of March 16 but it does have some of the same elements. Addendum (suggested by my friend John Butler) To the tune of Hotel California and with apologies to … Continue reading

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Planet of the Humans 

The over-the-top reaction of Elizabeth May made it certain that I would have to actually watch this. And I’m not sorry I did. The main messages (which bizzarely the very poor Guardian reviewer almost completely missed in a relatively favourable … Continue reading

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An Interesting Experiment

I suppose there will be some value in future to having the knowledge of exactly how much harm one person can do in a situation like this. Source: Trump Encourages Protest Against Governors Who Have Imposed Virus Restrictions – The … Continue reading

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Canada Letter: How can it happen here?

ThisNew York Times ‘Canada Letter’ is a welcome contribution to the exposure of the evils of private care facilities. My only problem with the article is Susan Bartlett’s reference to reticence about complaining out of “deference for our health care … Continue reading

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Part of the Problem

In political arguments (especially in a democracy) there is a tendency to value quantity over quality. We are all have good reason to be afraid of alienating potential supporters, and as a result sometimes we are slow to reject even … Continue reading

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Calling Mike Bloomberg…

This is just one example of stories that need to be widely disseminated during the coming US election. Massive distribution of TV ads showing DT’s early comments on COVID-19 is another. And there are many more. Mike Bloomberg has proved that … Continue reading

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