Monthly Archives: June 2014

What if it were true?

Kennan Malik provides a fairly nuanced response to Nicholas Wade’s recent book (advocating the idea of cognitive differences between races), and (of course) I think he is right to join those who condemn the second half of Wade’s book. But … Continue reading

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Science and Philosophy

Some late comments on Richard Carrier’s blog post re ‘Is Philosophy Stupid?’ raise interesting questions about the relationship of science to philosophy. While I have always been inclined to share Richard’s view that science (aka “natural philosophy”) is actually a … Continue reading

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Physicists Should Stop Saying Silly Things about Philosophy | Sean Carroll

Sean Carroll says that Physicists Should Stop Saying Silly Things about Philosophy, but physicists are not the only culprits. Some of the best philosophers have been at least as critical of “philosophy” as the most strident of physicists. And some … Continue reading

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