Let’s Make a Distinction

Objecting to the Israeli response is not the same as endorsing the horrors of Oct 7.  Mandana Rivka Dayani presents a fair response to supporters of Hamas, and especially of its action on Oct 7 2023. But most of the current demonstrators are not supporting the perpetrators of Oct 7 but rather objecting to the indiscriminate response which, rather than emulating the admirable Israeli precise targeting the perpetrators after the Munich Olympics, has been so incompetently indiscriminate as to murder three of their own escaped hostages and dozens of clearly identified international humanitarian support personnel. The actual scumbag terrorists would have far less ability to intimidate and dominate their community were it not for the support of the (unfortunately rather smart and by no means ignorant) scumbag Netanyahu who has consistently humiliated the terrorists’ less dangerous opposition in order to foment a situation that postpones or eliminates his prosecution and conviction for corruption.

Source: (1000) Mandana Rivka Dayani, a Iranian-American Human rights activist said that, ‘Never in my years as an activist have I seen other activists, upon seeing footage of little girls being killed and dragged through streets, immediately find the burning need

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