Silly Question Deserves Silly Answer

 In what way does Schrodinger’s cat experiment represent morality?

Many people consider that an experiment which eventually kills half its subjects should not be performed on anything as cute as a ca

Some suggest that it is not the experimental setup but the act of looking which actually kills the cat so any truly moral experimenters should remain blindfolded for the rest of their lives, while others consider the state of being half alive to be more distressing than truly either alive or truly dead and so do not fault the experimenters for looking.

But the real moral problem occurs right at the start, since the process of putting even the small brain of a cat into a pure state by measuring every quantum number of every one of its atoms is to say the least quite tedious for the cat and may also be quite painful.

Fortunately, Wigner solved that problem by making the cat’s brain even bigger and hiring it as his assistant – with whom he reputedly became quite friendly.

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