Why “Woke” is not PC for Me

The word “woke” is either real or imagined Afro-American “slang” for figuratively having awakened from a previous state of sleepwalking through life unaware (or in denial) of differences of privilege between ourselves and others. As such its use by me would smack of cultural appropriation of a kind that I consider not politically correct.

This of course now raises the question of what I mean by “politically correct” and “cultural appropriation” (not to mention “privilege”).

The term “politically correct” (or “PC”) is often used dismissively to refer to attitudes that are deemed unfairly critical, but I eschew that usage. For me the question of what is or is not politically correct just means what it says on the box – ie what does or does not seem to me appropriate as a way of thinking and acting in a social or political context. This is consistent with its original use in debates within political groups about what positions to take, and the unqualified use of “correct” for rhetorical emphasis was something that I consider unfortunate.

As to “cultural appropriation”, this is not something I am generally prepared to avoid or disapprove of. It is only when the appropriation has an overt or covert demeaning intent or effect that I am prepared to consider that it might be unacceptable. Unacceptable appropriations might include copying a style of special cultural significance and using it in a context which the originating culture would find offensive, (but I might also be prepared to do that if I thought that giving such offense was for some reason necessary). They also include copying a style of no special significance if done in form of a caricature, and use of the word “woke” does have that kind of a feel for me. It seems a bit like the use of “blackface” in the context of a “minstrel show” with exaggerated gestures – as opposed to the (imo perfectly legitimate) use of makeup to honestly portray a character of different skin colour.

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