Search Results for: universal fair inheritance

Did Sam Altman’s Basic Income Experiment Succeed or Fail?

The recently published results of the Altman-funded study on a limited trial of UBI by direct payment have been getting a lot of attention. My own take is similar to (but less polite than) that of Scott Santens (at … Continue reading

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The Inequity that Matters is not Income but Wealth 

In the Oct 20 issue of The Economist, global business correspondent Tom Lee-Devlin wonders at ‘The eye-watering pay of American bosses‘, but it’s not the disproportionately high compensation of some workers (whether they be CEOs, actors, or athletes) that bothers … Continue reading

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More Thoughts on UBI

The main problem with Universal Basic Income proposals is that there are so many of them, and they are so completely different from one another, that the term is no longer meaningful. But the current need for governments to distribute … Continue reading

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Death and Taxes

Taxes For the Common Good? For as long as humans have lived as pack animals with a dominance hierarchy, taxes have always been a part of human life. Those who are seen as the leaders of the pack, tribe, nation, … Continue reading

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Capitalism is generally thought of as a phenomenon of the last two or three centuries, but I think there is a sense in which it is NOT a new, or even distinctly human, phenomenon. The conventional understanding of capitalism is … Continue reading

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Who are the Authoritarians?

Are the Authoritarians Winning? by Michael Ignatieff | The New York Review of Books is a disappointingly vapid piece by Michael Ignatieff in which he reviews a number of recent books about the global situation. Authority is just a matter of … Continue reading

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Pluck or luck? 

In Pluck and hard work, or luck of birth? Two stories, one man | Aeon Essays, David Labaree explores the role of luck and privilege in his own life. Commenter Tom Horton asks “When you finally drop the merit illusion … Continue reading

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