Category Archives: politics

Am I wrong on this?

Mr Ahmadinejad has a reputation for having a good eye and ear for the popular mood. So doesn’t the fact that he appears to be distancing himself from the RG and SL (to whom he may have been considered to … Continue reading

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A Necessary Job Done Badly

Claudio Lomnitz and Rafael Sánchez have done a poor job of raising some legitimate concerns about possible anti-semitism in the rhetoric of Chavez. I say “poor job” because, although the problem is real, the article reeks of bias and resorts … Continue reading

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Stupid ‘stupid’

Obama’s retraction is refreshing, but does leave some questions about his willingness to comment on the basis of incomplete information.

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Interesting New Twist in Iran

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Iranian leader ‘orders dismissal’

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The SAC Double Negative Option

Howard Knopf doesn’t like The SAC Double Negative Option Celestial Jukebox, but I have to quarrel with a number of his reasons. Many of these have to do with defending the existing media levy schemes which unfairly extract funds from … Continue reading

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Mythical Myths about Sustainability

Many of these Top 10 Myths about Sustainability are mythical in the sense that they are just elementary misconceptions that don’t qualify as myths because they are not widely held by intelligent adults, but “Myth 6: Sustainability means lowering our … Continue reading

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Yes, There *IS* an Elephant in the Room

AlterNet Article by Chris Hedges Rebuttal by Betsy Hartmann

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CRTC Net Neutrality Hearings

Telecom Public Notice CRTC 2008-19, is the CRTC’s notice of proceedings and call for comments re forthcoming hearings on ‘Net Neutrality’.

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What is 0^0 equal to? – squareCircleZ

This post at squareCircleZ (a very nice enrichment and support website for students and teachers of mathematics) raises the conundrum of how to define 0^0 if all positive x give x^0=1 and 0^x=0.

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David MacKay: Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air

In Sustainable Energy – without the hot air UK physicist David MacKay presents plausible back-of-the-envelope estimates of the scales of action needed under various strategies for reduction of global carbon fuel combustion. The numbers he uses are easily checked and … Continue reading

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How Much is Too Much?

I have always believed that disprportionate reponse is justifiable (if struck once I will strike back unpredictably harder if I can so that there is no future temptation to estimate expected value of an attack). And I understand that in … Continue reading

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globeandmail readers on copyright Your thoughts on copyright in Canada

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Canadians Need Net-Neutrality

Take Action: Say NO to Corporate Control Open Letter to CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein: Dear Sir, Canadians rely on the CRTC, as the federal communications regulator, to act in the public interest, which in this case means ensuring we … Continue reading

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McCain Puts Country Second

John McCain’s nomination of Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate is a mind-blowingly cynical choice in the light of his criticism of Barak Obama as not yet ready to assume the highest office. Michael Cohen says it well in … Continue reading

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Don’t Drink the Nuclear Kool-Aid | AlterNet

Don’t Drink the Nuclear Kool-Aid | AlterNet Typical knee-jerk anti-nuke article but comments actually worth reading

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Hedonic Man

Hedonic Man is the title of a review by Alan Wolfe of two books on the “new economics”. Like Wolfe (and probably countless others) I am sure that the science of economics is sorely lacking, but also like him I … Continue reading

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CO2 Reduction Scenarios (UK example)

Heavyweight physics prof weighs into climate/energy scrap [printer-friendly] | The Register

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Update on Canadian Copyright Law – Proposed Changes

Michael Geist – Taking Stock of My Fair Copyright for Canada Principles

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Friday Math Movie – Uncounted – squareCircleZ

Given that the theme for Math Awareness Month this April is Math and Voting, this week’s choice by Murray Bourne seems particularly appropriate: Friday Math Movie – Uncounted – squareCircleZ

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CRIA cries the blues on the problem they created

This is Downes’ take on Geist’s comments on CRIA’s break with the CPCC. When I finally reveal my solution to the conundrum of how to fairly and efficiently assign costs to users and compensation to producers, all who should be … Continue reading

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