The life of Scandinavian writer Victoria Benedictsson, who achieved literary stardom under a male identity as Ernst Ahlgren and then committed suicide apparently due to unrequeited love for a man, is quite a fascinating story.
But it seems odd that in an essay (by a woman) suggesting that the story of that life was “stolen” by August Strindberg (as source material for one of his plays) we see mention of the titles and dates of various works by Strindberg (and other male authors) but only vague allusions to all but one of the many widely praised Benedictsson/Ahlgren works – including the novelized diaries that she left to a male friend, who published them in portions over the next 30 years, and which became a bestseller, which though not identified by title is described in the essay as “forceful as” (you guessed it) an explicitly named Strindberg novel.
Source: The woman behind Strindberg’s Miss Julie and her male alter ego | Aeon Essays